Feeding your baby is overwhelming
You may expect feeding your baby to come naturally to you as a new mom but often, it's not a reality.
Hospital classes only cover the basics, google searching leaves you more confused than before, and outdated recommendations still float around.
What do you do?
Luckily, you are now in the right place!
Mastering Bottle & Breastfeeding Course
An online course designed to help take you from overwhelmed and confused to prepared and confident about feeding your baby.

Access the Course
Jump right in with immediate access and work through the course at your own pace. Come back to it at any time with lifetime access.

Quick Solutions
Learn everything you need to know about feeding your baby with comprehensive, evidence-based teachings.

Feed with Ease
Feel well prepared as you anticipate baby's arrival, rock the newborn phase and continue to conquer any issues that arise as your baby grows.
What's Included
13 on demand video based modules designed to build your knowledge and confidence
Section 1: Preparation Before Baby Arrives
Section 2: The Breastfeeding Latch
Section 3: Feeding Baby After Birth
Section 4: Navigating the First Week
Section 5: Feeding Fundamentals
Section 6: Breast Pumping
Section 7: Bottle Feeding
Section 8: Combination Feeding
Section 9: Feeding Extras
Section 10: Cleaning & Storage
Section 11: Return to Work
Section 12: Solid Foods & Cup Drinking
Section 13: Weaning
Bonus Material
Over half of moms say breastfeeding was harder than they expected...
But it doesn't have to be with the right tools and education
This course helps answer questions like:
- How and when do I harvest colostrum?
- How do we achieve a deep latch & breastfeed pain-free?
- How often and how much should my baby eat?
- How do I ensure my baby is eating enough?
- How do I maintain a strong breast milk supply?
- What are the best pumping practices for maximum output?
- How do I prevent bottle refusal?
- How do I incorporate solid foods and cup drinking?
- How do I navigate combination feeding with formula if wanted or needed?
- How do we wean safely when we are ready?
- & so much more!
