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The Fridge Hack for Breast Pump Parts

Feb 25, 2025

For breastfeeding moms who pump, especially exclusive pumpers, cleaning your pump parts after every use can take up so much time in your day. Between work, errands, and caring for a newborn, cleaning pump parts multiple times a day can be a lot. For busy moms on the go, you might not always have access to a sink. And when you have limited breaks at work, you don't want to spend extra time cleaning. That's why lots of moms choose to employ the "fridge hack"—a simple trick that can save you lots of time!

What is the Fridge Hack?

The fridge hack is when you store used breast pump parts in the refrigerator between pumping sessions rather than washing them after every use. You simply place the parts in a sealed bag or container, refrigerate them, and reuse them when it's time to pump again. The idea behind this method is that breast milk is safe for up to 24 hours in the refrigerator, so storing the pump parts in the cold environment of the fridge for short periods between uses reduces the need for frequent washing while maintaining hygienic conditions for your pump parts.

For working moms taking multiple breaks at work with little available time, this can give you a few extra minutes to actually finish eating your lunch rather than quickly washing parts. Or, if you're pumping multiple times in the night, the fridge hack can give you a few extra minutes of sleep during the night. Some moms even choose to do a modified fridge hack by storing pump parts in a cooler bag while on the go, allowing you to pump in the car while on errands or traveling.

Is the Fridge Hack Safe?

While the fridge hack is widely popular and considered safe by many moms, it's important to understand that there is still a potential for bacterial growth when pump parts are not cleaned between use. While breast milk does contain antibacterial properties, bacteria can still be present and the fridge hack does not prevent bacterial growth--it's meant to slow it down. There have been no studies done researching this exact topic, so there is no evidence to truly support the safety of the fridge hack. The CDC notes that rinsing and storing used pump parts in the fridge is an option if you cannot clean your pump parts thoroughly after each pumping session, but their recommendation for best practice is to clean all parts and pieces after every use if possible. As moms, we all have different levels of risk tolerance, so it's ultimately up to you to decide what you're comfortable with when it comes to caring for your pump parts.

Note: If your baby is immunocompromised or under 2 months old, the CDC does not recommend using this method at all and instead recommends washing parts after each session. You can find the CDC's full Breast Pump Hygiene resource here

If you decide that you're comfortable with the fridge hack, there are a few things you can do to ensure you’re following proper hygiene practices:

  • Use within 24 hours: The pump parts should only be stored in the fridge for up to 24 hours before washing.
  • Rinse or wipe before storage: Rinse with warm water if you have access to a sink. Otherwise, you can use a breast pump cleaning wipe or a clean paper towel to wipe off any lingering milk.
  • Seal properly: Always store the parts in a clean, airtight bag or container with a tight lid to avoid contamination from other foods or items in the fridge. 

What if I'm not comfortable with the fridge hack?

For some moms, the potential for bacterial growth is too big of a risk to outweigh the benefits of the fridge hack. Trust your gut, and do what works for you! There are some other options you can use for cleaning on the go:

  • Soap & Water: The gold standard of pump part cleaning is warm, soapy water. If you have access to a sink, you can pack a collapsible wash basin with a travel cleaning kit and clean your parts between sessions. If traveling, you can run in to a rest stop or gas station and quickly clean your parts in a restroom.
  • Pack Extra Parts: If you have extra sets of pump parts for your pump, you can pack separate sets for each pumping session so you can use a fresh, clean set each time.
  • Pump Cleaning Wipes: You can find wipes designed specifically for cleaning breast pump parts, which might be convenient when you don’t have access to soap and water. Keep in mind, though, that the FDA states that used breast pump parts should still be cleaned even even if these wipes are used. But maybe these wipes in combination with the fridge hack will make you more comfortable.

Having supplies dedicated to managing your pump parts, especially if you're on the go, can streamline the cleaning process and lighten your load. You can find links to all of the products I've referenced plus a few more at the link below!

Shop for pump cleaning products here!

The fridge hack is a convenient timesaver for busy moms trying to balance the demands of pumping, working, maintaining a household, and caring for a family. Especially when out and about, repeated cleaning of breast pump parts is not always practical or feasible, so the fridge hack can be a helpful alternative. However, not every parent is comfortable with the level of safety, so remember to listen to your instincts and discuss your options and concerns with your healthcare provider if you have questions about the best choice for your family's situation.





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