Breastfeeding with Nipple Vasospasms
Oct 07, 2023
Have you ever heard of nipple vasospasms? While not as common as some breastfeeding problems, vasospasms are a source of nipple pain for many moms. Vasospasms of the nipple are caused by an abnormal contraction of the blood vessels within and around the nipple, causing impaired blood flow. Moms with nipple vasospasms experience sharp, shooting nipple pain after breastfeeding, or possibly during a feeding.
What Triggers Nipple Vasospasms?
The pain is often triggered by cold temperatures and is accompanied by a change in color of the nipple, called blanching. It's usually white, but could be red, blue or purple. It’s important to note that if you are experiencing nipple pain and your nipple appears blanched but is also misshapen after your baby comes off the breast, it’s likely due to a latch problem causing a compression of the nipple. Blanching due to vasospasms is usually more long-lasting and does not resolve with latch adjustment alone.
If you believe you are experiencing vasospasms of the nipple, it may be helpful to see a lactation consultant or other medical professional to evaluate you to confirm it and help you manage your symptoms. Focus on avoiding letting your nipples come in contact with cold temperatures. Use a warm compress just prior to feeding, and immediately cover your nipple as soon as your baby comes off the breast. A warm wash cloth, or a warmed gel breast compress will come in handy here. Check out the link below for a full list of my go-to products when dealing with nipple pain. Avoid caffeine and nicotine as these have been known to make vasospasms worse. In addition, a medication called nifedipine has been shown to effectively treat vasospasms of the nipple. You can discuss this as a potential option with your healthcare team.
Vasospasms of the nipple are somewhat rare, but identifying the problem is the first step to getting relief. Hopefully this gives you a starting point if you're battling vasospasms! If you're having nipple pain but don't think the symptoms of vasospasm apply to you, make sure to reach out for additional support to get to the root of the problem!
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