Increase your Breast Milk Supply with Power Pumping
Jun 07, 2023
Milk supply is a common worry for many of us while breastfeeding. And that's only natural! Many moms find themselves on a journey or trying to increase milk production, and a method that often comes up is power pumping! I'll cover the main aspects of power pumping, and how you can make the most of it. Read on to access my Low Milk Supply Action Plan!
What is power pumping?
Power pumping involves simulating a cluster feeding session for your baby by mimicking frequent and intense nursing sessions. It's a technique used to signal your body to produce more breast milk by stimulating increased demand. The goal is to increase the frequency and efficiency of milk removal to trigger a greater milk supply response.
How does power pumping increase breast milk supply? Power pumping follows a specific schedule that involves a combination of pumping and rest periods. By mimicking cluster feeding, it helps to empty the breasts more thoroughly and frequently, providing additional stimulation to produce more milk. The increased demand signals to your body that it needs to produce more milk to meet the perceived increased demand. Over time, this can lead to an increase in your overall milk supply.
The typical power pumping schedule consists of the following steps:
- Choose a time when your milk supply is usually higher, such as in the morning.
- Set aside one hour for power pumping.
- Begin by pumping for 10 minutes.
- Rest for 10 minutes.
- Continue this pumping pattern for 1 hour.
Who can benefit from power pumping?
Power pumping can be helpful for breastfeeding mothers who are experiencing low milk supply, trying to build up a freezer stash, or simply looking to increase their milk production for any reason. If you currently have an adequate breast milk supply, but desire to increase your supply even more you will likely be inducing an oversupply. An oversupply comes with its own set of risks, so try to be conscious about how much stimulation are you are providing.
Power pumping is a helpful tool for nursing mothers looking to increase their breast milk supply. If you continue to find yourself wanting or needing to use power pumping to maintain your milk supply, it may be beneficial to consult with an Lactation Consultant or IBCLC to further investigate what to root cause of your milk production difficulty is.
Are you concerned about low milk supply?
Don't worry, you're not alone. The Low Milk Supply Guide will take you from confused and overwhelmed to confident and supported with a rock-solid plan. Your life does not need to be controlled by ounces and tracking feeding times, let me help! Get the action plan here.
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